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Courtside Connections: BIG BALLIN MEDIA's All-Star Collaboration with MPBP

Updated: Mar 18, 2024

Indy 2024 nab all star game with Darius Conley

Our CEO, Darius Conley, recently had the honor of representing BIG BALLIN MEDIA at the NBA All-Star game in Indianapolis, a prestigious basketball event for fans worldwide. This opportunity was made possible by the generous support of Mothers of Pro Basketball Players INC (MPBP) and their exceptional president, Linda Shanklin, mother of NBA star and Finals MVP Andre Iguodala. Darius forged invaluable connections during this event, poised to elevate our company to unprecedented heights. We express profound gratitude for the ongoing relationship we are cultivating with MPBP and eagerly anticipate future collaborations that will further our shared mission of community empowerment and growth.

Founded in 1996 by Charlotte Brandon, Mothers of Pro Basketball Players INC (MPBP) is an non- profit organization led by NBA mothers dedicated to enhancing, educating, and investing in the communities where their sons play basketball. Their impact spans far and wide, reaching communities across the nation and even overseas through their international chapter. At BIG BALLIN MEDIA, we are thrilled for the opportunity to collaborate with MPBP, as our shared values of community investment and improvement are evident in their remarkable initiatives, including the annual awarding of academic scholarships to deserving students. We look forward to partnering with MPBP on future endeavors that will leave a lasting positive impact on our communities.

 Linda Shanklin, mother of NBA star and Finals MVP Andre Iguodala.

As BIG BALLIN MEDIA continues to deepen its partnership with Mothers of Pro Basketball Players INC (MPBP), we are excited to explore avenues of collaboration that align with our shared commitment to community empowerment and education. Together, we envision initiatives such as mentorship programs for aspiring athletes, community outreach events promoting health and wellness, and workshops focused on leadership development and academic achievement. By leveraging our respective strengths and resources, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the lives of young athletes and underserved communities. Through collaborative efforts, we can amplify our impact and inspire positive change on and off the court.

Stay tuned and follow BIG BALLIN MEDIA on our social media outlets for more exciting updates on future collaborations and groundbreaking news on our companies initiatives. As our company continues to nurture these valuable relationships, we anticipate a profound impact not only on our business but also on our community as a whole. We eagerly anticipate what the future holds, with collaborations like Mothers of Pro Basketball Players INC paving the way for unprecedented growth and positive change. Together, we will soar to new heights previously thought unreachable, leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment and opportunity for the young athletes and communities we serve.

Darius Conley big ballin media at NBA Allstar Indianapolis


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